Monday, October 11, 2010

Tip of the day: Emergency Adhesive

Pretend you are having a bad day and find yourself in a MacGyverish position.

Let's say you're locked in a building with a bomb that's about to explode or stranded in a deep crevice facing a deadly avalanche.

Possibly, you're trapped in a 3 bedroom house, with three boys, sleep deprived and out of coffee..... wait, that's my reality.

We're supposed to be pretending, remember?

Anyway, you're in a sticky situation, whatever it may be and you need some type of adhesive. You have no tape and no glue of any kind.

What do you use?

Rice Krispies.

I have discovered that Rice Krispies + milk = super glue.

It's true.

Try it.

Or better yet, give your kids Rice Krispies for breakfast and don't clean up after them for about 30 minutes or so.

1 comment:

  1. lol. a day in the life of melissa! It works with fruity pebbles too, except fruity pebbles will color your fingernails when you try to scrape it off the table.
