Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Kohen update

Baby Kohen is doing great. He was a little fussy the first week. I got the impression that he was really enjoying being a fetus and being expelled into the outside world was not his idea of a good time. He has finally stopped screaming during every diaper change and is sleeping for longer periods of time. Best of all, he isn't wanting to nurse all day. The first night in the hospital was roughbecause no matter how much he ate he never acted satisfied. I kept having the recurring thought "a little Similac never hurt anybody". I toughed it out though and everything is better now.
His big brothers are totally in love with him, so much that they gave him an eye infection last week. I have no proof it was them. It actually could have been anyone,but I'm highly suspicious of the boys since they always have their hands on him. The doctor gave us some ointment then checked him again today he got a clean bill of health.
I wanted to share something funny that Kenson said at the hospital. Kohen was born with really long fingernails that needed a good trimming. Kenson was also overdue for a manicure and when he noticed the baby's fingernails, he said "Look Mom! He's got my fingernails!"


  1. Another boy cousin! He is just a doll! I held him for minutes the other night, and someone else came to steal him!:o) Hopefully we will get to see him again soon! (Before he's walking maybe! :o)

    Glad to see you blogging!! One way for us to stay in touch!!

    Take care!

  2. Ohhhhhhhhhhh he's PRECIOUS!! I'm so excited for you guys...he looks like Shawn alot,so cute!! I'm sure you have heard that Rusty and I have a little girl on the way. Seeing the pictures of Kohen makes me more anxious than ever for her to get here!
    Love you guys,
    Rusty and Lisa

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Wow, he IS a hairy little one, but oh-so-adorable!! I hope my maybe-someday son has hair as thick as that! : p I really can't wait to meet him, hopefully I will get to see your growing family very soon, Tyler doesn't know what fun people he's missing yet!
    Love you guys!
    -Heather & Tyler

  5. Kohen is such a doll, I love him! He is so cute especially when he smiles!!:)
